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토목(civil engineering)

Subway Construction Technology

by civilstory 2023. 3. 9.

Subways are an essential mode of transportation in most mega-cities. They help to ease the traffic congestion, reduce travel time, and provide a cost-effective means of transportation. However, the construction of subways beneath the urban environment is a complex and challenging task. Therefore, engineers and construction companies have been developing innovative technologies to make the construction process more efficient and cost-effective. In this article, we will explore some of the subway construction technologies that are being used today.

Tunnel Boring Machines

Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) are large machines that are used to excavate tunnels. They are used to dig through different types of soil and rock, including clay, sand, and hard rock. TBMs use a rotating cutter head that breaks up the ground, which is then carried away by a conveyor belt. The machine moves forward as the tunnel is excavated, and the walls are lined with precast concrete segments.

Benefits of using TBMs:

- TBMs can excavate tunnels much faster and more efficiently than traditional methods.

- They produce less noise and vibration, which minimizes the impact on the surrounding environment.

- They require fewer workers, which reduces the construction costs.

Cut-and-Cover Method

The cut-and-cover method is a traditional method of building subways. It involves digging a trench, building the subway, and then covering it back up. This method is typically used in areas where the ground is soft and easy to dig, such as in urban areas.

Benefits of using the cut-and-cover method:

- It is a cost-effective method for building subways.

- It is easier to construct stations and other structures using this method.

- It is easier to maintain and repair the subway using this method.

Shield Tunnelling

Shield tunnelling is a method of building subways that involves creating a shield around the construction site. The shield is typically made of steel or concrete and is used to prevent the ground from collapsing during the excavation process. The shield is moved forward as the tunnel is excavated, and the walls are lined with precast concrete segments.

Benefits of using shield tunnelling:

- It is a safe and efficient method for building subways.

- It minimizes the impact on the surrounding environment.

- It can be used to excavate tunnels through hard rock and other difficult terrain.

Jet Grouting

Jet grouting is a method of stabilizing the soil around the construction site. It involves injecting high-pressure grout into the soil, which solidifies and stabilizes the ground. This method is typically used in areas where the ground is unstable or where there is a risk of collapse.

Benefits of using jet grouting:

- It stabilizes the soil around the construction site, which reduces the risk of collapse.

- It is a cost-effective method for stabilizing the soil.

- It can be used in areas where other methods are not feasible.


Subway construction technology has come a long way over the years. Engineers and construction companies are continually developing innovative methods to make the construction process more efficient and cost-effective. The technologies mentioned above are just a few of the many methods that are being used today. With the development of new technologies, we can expect the construction of subways to become even more efficient and cost-effective in the future.

